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January 2023 Ascension Energies Update

By: Samantha Orthlieb


2023: The Year of Transformation


Hello Awakened Soul,

2023 is The Year of…Transformation!

The next three years (2023 to 2025) are “Choice Point “Years in the collective consciousness. Deep transformative change will occur in us if we choose to surrender to spiritual expansion and align with our true destiny. This expansion will open us to new possibilities, bring growing pains, and require great inner courage. The past three years (2020-2022) we deconstructed our deepest wounds and fears, laying them at our feet to examine and mourn over. The first 4 months of 2023 we will sift through the shadow rubble to extract what we want to keep of ourselves, plant seeds of new potential, and point our belly button in the direction that explores our highest potential as human beings. The rest of 2023 will see us embodying a new archetype: The Empowered Rebel! In fact, in the next 9 years those on the Ascension path will be downloading, attuning and embodying 13 New Earth archetypal energies that have been offline in our genetic coding! (More on this later this year). 2023 is a more introspective year where we are bridging the gap between mind and spirit. This is a combination of conscious and subconscious thinking that allows the mind to shine a light into the very deepest realms to access hidden truths. Our Self-Truth within our third chakra will strongly emerge as we are tested this year, so that we learn to live by our own beliefs and values, and anchor in our spiritual self to our earthly self - to manifest the first steps of our true destiny. A cautionary message: People are now either firmly on the path of healing, wholeness and spiritual expansion in 5D, or are getting caught more in their 3D dysfunctional patterns, their wounding, and becoming more reactive/destructive.

The old paradigm will still be dismantling, old systems publicly revealing their glaring dysfunction, and there will be an increasing divide between those that are on an accelerated path of ascension expansion and those people getting caught more in their reactivity/polarization and Victim archetype. There are now only two paths to choose from! 2023 is a time for those of us who are passionate creators, innovators, pathfinders and pioneers of the new Earth paradigm to courageously rise above anything that wants to block us or derail us.

This is not a reference to Cabal, Illuminati, evil beings or dark galactic forces - there is no room in 5D multidimensional reality to believe in anyone or anything that we can blame or be polarized by. Giving any of our energy to lower vibrational fears or concerns will only deplete us further.

January 2023 is about us seeing and transforming what no longer serves us to move forward on this path of Self-Truth! - this will allow those of us in these 5D Higher Mind /True Self energies to move into Oneness and the cosmic flow of abundance. As of 1/11/23 we are firmly anchored in the Oneness/Abundance timeline and learning to flow in the grace of our True Self divinity. To focus on for this year:

*Continue to find balance in your life. Anchor yourself into a daily spiritual process and practice so that you can stay on an even keel. This may include connecting with nature, meditating, praying, chanting, breathing exercises, rituals, ceremonies or spiritual support via a certain group. Be aware of how you use your power. - is it in a balanced way so that you can flow in your life without power struggles? How can you transform what no longer serves you so that you can be more in the flow and receive abundance? If you struggle with addictions please make it a focus to tackle this, and other issues that lower your vibration. Make it a priority as this year will add fuel to the fire! *Cultivate your creativity and any creative talents as this will help you find balance. *Balance your “alone time” with engaging in healthy relationships that support you and your dreams. *Continue to hone boundaries and know that your relationships will continue to change, some will fall away (so allow this and don’t fight it). There will be more people that “pass away” to other timelines as the denser energies of control, manipulation, being goal driven, competing, control, force, anger, hostility, greed, materialism, ego, over-productivity, quick fix, worry/anxiety, shame, drama, guilt, fear continue to shift in the collective to a co-creative value system.

*Bring out your talents and gifts in a bigger way - the Ascension process has cleared trauma and blocks that kept you from living your highest potential. Now allow your talents to come through and be expressed in your forms of play and service to others. It is safe to shine! Spirit will help you if you trust this process and follow your inner knowing. *Focus on selfless impeccability - you have owned your shadow and past, and your ego is in the throes of dying - focus now on service-oriented purpose! We are moving from “me” to co-creative “we”. Being selfless instead of selfish is the catalyst to impeccable New Earth leadership! Now you have the opportunity to live from wholeness, not your wounding, and can learn to live in grace, anchoring in another way of living and being human. This is the year you plant seeds for yourself and the New Earth! *Expect growing pains as a result, as you rebirth, and find new fertile soil to plant your 5D self. This will require courageous effort, focused intention and spiritual strength to move out of any stagnation (anger, frustration, depression) and claim your destiny. *Multisensory expansion continues - You will continue to be more energetically sensitive to cosmic events and energy around you. As your multisensory perception (psychic, intuition, telepathy, etc.) comes online and expands, you will need to ground yourself and take care of your physical, mental and emotional well-being.

In service and divine liberation,


Archetypes for JANUARY

Archetypes for January (what we are learning/healing/embodying): The Warrior (balanced power, self-truth) and The Spiritual Warrior (selfless impeccability)

Cosmic Creative Cycle that we are in: Water (Wisdom, Imagination, Intuition, Psychic Perception)


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