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May First Waver's Report: Balanced Harmonics


Happy May everyone ! May is a numerology 4 month, which is bringing us stability, consistency and prosperity from the seeds we have been laying since late March. All of April was a whirlwind of energy as we went through the destiny reset on April 8th, 2024 with the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries. This Eclipse was conjunct Mercury retrograde, Chiron and the North Node. Essentially, this eclipse was a complete slate clean of the past and urged us to find the courage to begin an entirely new journey, healing our wounds of past experiences, and following our destinies.

April was a shakeup month, as we anticipated it would be. Along with the destiny reset, we went through the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus which set us on an entirely new cycle of creation. Mother Earth and the nature of our physical reality will be shifting and changing rapidly this year, as whatever is outdated and stagnant will undergo a tower moment. We are already seeing some of this play out through extreme weather events, natural disasters, rumors of a financial system collapse, and a change in our perception of what we value and what abundance truly means.

May will be a mixed energy of both stability and change. This is our new normal and we are learning to flow and adapt with the winds of change, while also being able to hold our center and to stay energetically aligned no matter what unfolds outside of us. This is a key month for Higher Self embodiment which was catalyzed in April, as well as anchoring in Balanced Harmonics.

Balanced Harmonics

We begin the month with a focus on balanced harmonics, both within and without. Venus will be in her home sign of Taurus until May 23rd, and Mars will be in his home sign of Aries until June. With both Venus + Mars being in their home signs, we have an amazing window to anchor in balanced harmonics onto this planet. Venus in Taurus is bringing our feminine essence back into our body, the connection between us and nature, and returning a deep self-love and gratitude into our experience. Venus in Taurus is a master manifesto, and this window can also bring prosperity and abundance back to Humanity.

Mars will be in Aries for the whole of May, and this is aligning the masculine energy back to its divine warrior state. Aries no longer needs to use violence, domination or force in order to get its way. Instead, it is filled with courage, strength, confidence and is truly walking the path as God with God. Together, these two are representing the Empress and the Emperor, and these two are very present throughout the month.

We are returning to the TRUE divine union between the masculine and feminine. Internally, we are anchoring in the balance between BEING and DOING. We must know when the moment is to simply be, receive, allow, surrender, dream and envision-and when the time is right to execute, take action, make a leap of faith, or restrain.

Externally, this is aligning Mother Earth back to her original state of Balanced Harmonics, Yin/Yang, and she is currently undergoing this re-alignment until May 23rd. Pluto retrograde is also assisting in this re-alignment. The poles are indeed shifting this month on an energetic and physical level. For the first 3 weeks of May, the poles are physically + energetically shifting within our being and on Mother Earth herself. We are exiting the 27,000 year paradigm of the lower masculine, and are now coming back into balance with the feminine paradigm. The Divine Masculine are stepping up and have completed their embodiment process and can now fulfill their roles as the protectors of the feminine energy, rather than the enslavers. This is VERY exciting news. Many souls may also be coming into physical divine unions with their counterparts throughout the summer after this re-alignment occurs.

By the last week of May, we will then be finalizing the re-alingment within our mental bodies, as we complete the shift of the poles from the left brain to the right brain. The right brain will now be leading, fully connected to the heart, and overriding the EGO programmed mind and replacing it with wholeness and connection. We can expect to see the final meltdown of the EGO mind at the end of this month, as all will need to shift into a balanced brain/heart connection.

Pluto Retrograde

We begin May with Pluto stationing retrograde at 2 Degrees Aquarius on May 2nd. Since Pluto has entered Aquarius at the end of January, we have seen the revolution energy spread throughout Humanity as many begin to see through the lies and illusion, and Humanity has been rising up in unity against these systems of control and enslavement. With Pluto stationing retrograde, this is now a time where Pluto’s energy of transformation and activation are turning within. As I have shared previously, Pluto’s archetype is now that of a double-agent. He is still carrying his death/rebirth energy, but he is also now the activator.

Pluto collapses and rips away that which is not aligned with Creation and Life, but now he is also resurrecting that which has been “dead” or forgotten. This is the most interesting archetype to watch, and as he will now backtrack through Aquarius until September, I believe that Pluto will be activating and resurrecting what Humanity has forgotten within … that we are all God with God. We forgot where we came from, who we are, and why we are here. Pluto is now delivering those remembrances through DNA activations and internal EGO deaths. Many within the 3rd and 4th wave will start to experience the Dark Night of the Soul, as all of the remaining darkness/illusion within our consciousness is brought to the light.

Between September-November, Pluto will touch back again on the critical degree of 29 degrees Capricorn, and I believe this will be the final collapse of the old world, from the inside out. This is the final time that Pluto will touch on this degree for 250 years and he has promised to deliver the final blow to the systems of enslavement and control. The fact that this will occur during election time here in the US during our Pluto Return is very symbolic and I will do a more in-depth dive on this later in the year.

I feel this Pluto retrograde is going to be a HUGE activation for all of us in restoring our divine memories, lineages, history and higher self aspects. This will also be activating the remaining waves of Humanity into their awakening, and thus we all will be called to assist in this transition. For those who are part of the First Wavers, I will be hosting two training seminars this month which the Galactics feel are essential for all personally and in assisting others.


As many of you know, we had been doing Etheric Surgeries + Angel Chip Activations for 13 months throughout 2023 and into early 2024. As of last month, the Divine Mother and the Galactics felt that the group work had been completed. The Galactics are now guiding this month to be hosting an Etheric Surgery Training Seminar + Angel Chip Activation Training Seminar for all First Wavers so that you all may invoke the Surgery and Angel Chip Activations on your own when you are you guided to, as well as to guide others through this process.

The Etheric Surgeries + Angel Chip Activations represent the balanced harmonics of the Ascension Process. The Surgery is designed to clear out, purge, heal and restore our etheric/energetic bodies so that we are able to raise our frequency, assist with our EGO Death work, and to be able to embody more of the Higher Self. The Angel Chip Activations are the process of activating and embodying our Higher Self Essence, and they assist us with aligning with our purpose, divine missions, and God Selves.

These two protocols and processes are essential for the Ascension and the Higher Self embodiment. The Galactics and the Divine Mother are asking for all who are guided to join these training seminars so that you can continue your Higher Self embodiment work and be able to guide those newly awakened through this process as well. Each of the Seminars will be recorded and will also include our new “144,000 Activation Guide” which will give you in-depth instructions and protocols for the Surgery + Activations.

The Etheric Surgery Training Seminar will be hosted on May 11th, 2024.

For everyone who is guided, I highly encourage you to join this training. This training will allow you to invoke and utilize the Etheric Surgery protocols at any time, as well as guide others through the process when needed.

The training will entail the following:

~Background info on Etheric Surgeries

~Etheric Surgery Protocols + Procedures

~Chip/Implant Dissolvement

~5D Technology utilized

~Follow Up/Healing recommendations

Each participant will also receive the new 144,000 Activation Guide which details all of these procedures, protocols and information so it can be referenced and utilized at any moment. The guide will also list additional resources that can be used to assist in this process.

The Angel Chip Training Seminar will be hosted on May 18th, 2024.

For everyone who is guided, I highly encourage you to join this training as well. This training will teach you how to perform your own activations, as well as to guide others through the process when needed.

The training will entail the following:

~Background info on Angel Chip Activations

~Angel Chip Protocols + Procedures

~Angel Chip Activations for each unique coding

~Follow Up recommendations

Each participant will also receive the new 144,000 Activation Guide which details all of these procedures, protocols and information so it can be referenced and utilized at any moment. The guide will also list additional resources that can be used to assist in this process.

Love you all,




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