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Mother Earth/Mother Gaia/Source is With You

By: Shernice

Dear ones,

Before the upbringing of illusion, we shun our light speaking from the heart, talking to Mother Earth/Mother Gaia.

You are love and you are loved. Mother Earth/Mother Gaia/Source is with you. All of nature observe. They love us unconditionally rehearting us of our true essence. Mom/Source is all of nature and all that is who has known you for more then infinity. The moment yours eyes open when you wake up to the moment your eyes close to rest the angelic beings are with you encouraging you to keep going.

Now is moment we see ourselves the way Mom/Source and all of creation, galactics, angelic beings see us. Synchronisitic numbers they send are like nudges from our guides, rehearting us we are on the right path, sending messages along the way?

Dear brother and sisters, it's the moment we forgive ourselves and each other.  Much grander things are happening right now--most to our surprise !

Mom/Source forgives us every moment.

In the illusion of society/matrix, fake dream machine world, we were told we "werent worthy" of something.

The truth is, we are worthy of LOVE and all LOVE is. We are abundant and are given abundance by Mother Earth every moment.

We are LOVE and it's now the moment we are to ourselves, the Earth and each other. 💜🌎💜 We are one. Love you all !!


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