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June 2022 - The Calm Returns After Much Turbulence

The Calm Returns After Much Turbulence, Action Time, The Will to Create + Manifest Your Desires

By: Sarah Hayes


Welcome to June 2022! You have now made it through the recent eclipse and Mercury retrograde season! Congratulations! This is no small feat.

The last 2 months have been laden with many extreme highs and lows and unexpected events. Eclipses bring in the unknown and often represent crisis types of situations.

We are now waking up from the slumber of such dramatic events and it is time to take stock on what these eclipses have taught us. We are being asked to recognize the strength + willpower that it brought into our lives.

June 2022 is a month of reprieve and a time to catch your breath! You can finally move forward and many breakthroughs and green lights await you. The planets want to reward you for your tenacity and ability to weather many cosmic storms. Remember tough times don't last but tough people do!

Looking to the beginning of June.. we have our first fortunate cosmic event of the month.

On June 3rd, Mercury, the planet of communication, contracts and travel, finally turns direct at 26 degrees of Taurus. For the past 3 weeks or so, Mercury has created communication snafus, confusion with contracts and travel plans and overall chaos within our business plans. Now Mercury is ready to go direct and resolve some of these communication issues! YAY! It is time to launch that business, website or any new plan of project that you have wanted to begin. We will finally be able to gather our thoughts and ideas with clarity and precision. Within the next 2 weeks Mercury will return to his home sign of Gemini( where he went retrograde in early May) and that transit will be excellent as well due to Mercury's strength within his ruling sign. This will be a time to take your plans to the next level of intellectual genius and mastery. This transit of Mercury turning direct will be particularly impactful for folks who have their inner planets the Sun, Moon or Ascendant close to 26 degrees of Taurus. There could be a significant contract or idea that comes your way now. For everyone else, look where 26 degrees of Taurus falls in your chart to see where communication breakthroughs and new plans will be popping up.

On June 4th, Saturn, the planet of obligations, restrictions and responsibility, turns retrograde at 25 degrees of Aquarius. Saturn retrograde in Aquarius will prompt us to reevaluate our structures and obligations on many levels. Some out of the box thinking could be possible as Saturn is transiting the brainiac sign of Aquarius. This is a time to look at the last 6 months of Saturn's direct motion and take the lessons and trials we went through as reference points of our strength and maturation process. Some folks could see old duties return and old business plans resurface. This is a good time to be willing to remold our future visions with a sense of new vision and perspective. This transit of Saturn retrograde will be particularly impactful for folks with their inner planets the Sun, Moon or Ascendant close to 25 degrees of Aquarius. Major karmic cycles could be ending for you now and a sense of rerouting your ambitions. For everyone else, check where 25 degrees of Aquarius falls in your natal chart to see where you will be restructuring certain plans and duties in your life.

Moving to mid month on June 14th, we have the expansive Full Moon at 23 degrees of Sagittarius. Full moons always represent culminations, endings and manifestations. They are super emotional and often lead us to have heightened intuition and gut instincts. Sagittarius the 9th zodiac sign deals with truth, wisdom, beliefs, travel and spirituality. The Full Moon in Sagittarius is here to have us expand our sights and visions to a new frontier. There is some kind of freedom of expression that will come forth for folks at this time. We will want to go BIG or go home with this optimistic Full Moon. Some folks could be completing a degree or certification that holds lots of importance and value. Others could be tapping into the deeper aspects of a spiritual practice or philosophy. Travel in all forms will also be a theme. Foreign or educational affairs that happen on or around this moon could also be significant. The transit of the Full Moon in Sagittarius will be particularly impactful for folks with the inner planets of the Sun, Moon or Ascendant close to 23 degrees of Sagittarius. Expect big and expansive ideas and plans to be coming to bear fruit around this time. For everyone else, check where 23 degrees of Sagittarius falls in your natal chart to see where you will be expanding your consciousness and bearing fruit on any educational, travel or philosophical plans.

On June 21st a magical and special day awaits us in the cosmos..

To read the full June 2022 forecast and the effects of this coming month, join me on Patreon:

© Astromomma, 2022


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