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Intuitive Astrology: Virgo New Moon September 2021


By: Forever Conscious

The Virgo New Moon peaks on September 6, 2021.

New Moons always represent the start of a new lunar cycle. They are a time where energy draws inward. We can use this inward flow of energy to retreat within, to reflect, but to also think about what we wish to draw into our lives as well.

Under the September New Moon, we may find ourselves feeling a little all over the place, but if we can remember to use this flow of inward energy, we may find ourselves feeling more grounded and present under the opening of this new lunar cycle.

Take a moment to close your eyes and imagine fresh lunar energy flowing into your being. See it traveling from your head to your toes. Feel this fresh lunar current guiding you to take the journey inward, so you can feel in to where you are and where you wish to go.

Under a New Moon, the sky is dark, which symbolizes two things. It symbolizes the unknowing of what’s to come and being ok during a period of darkness and uncertainty. This darkness also symbolizes the need to go within, and to remove ourselves from the stimulus of the bright outside world.

The dark night sky however, is also a symbol for potential. It is a blank canvas, an open slate just waiting to be filled by your inspiration. When the night is dark and the sky is moonless, we have the power to create and plant our seeds of intention for the cycle that is to come.

Falling in the sign of Virgo, staying grounded and connected to the earth is going to be our tonic under this September New Moon.

The energy feels all over the place with this New Moon. We may find ourselves seeking adventure, wanting to try new things, and creating productive change in our lives. We may feel the time has come to do things differently or to perhaps try something we have always wanted to try.

There is this sense of adventure surrounding this New Moon, but there is also a deeper energy at play too, guiding us to connect with our inner child and to think about our generational or ancestral wounds.

There is an energy on offer under this Virgo New Moon, that guides us to explore habits, beliefs, or attitudes we have collected from our childhood that no longer serve us.

There is an energy that guides us to heal ancestral or generational wounds. These are the wounds that are not of this life but are inherited from both our earth family and soul family. These wounds can also be connected to the land that we choose to reside on.

This energy is deep and the work is not easy, but it is triggered by the asteroid Nessus, which is very active under the energy of this New Moon.

With Nessus involved, we are called to break generational cycles that may not have been our doing, but that we have the power to end.

Under this energy, we may also be called to look at wounds from our childhood and become aware of how they are manifesting in our current reality.

Do we like how they are showing up or is it time to break the chain and try something new?

It takes a lot of deep awareness to identify childhood patterns and ancestral wounds. But if you feel called to do the work, you may find this New Moon creates some ease and allows the healing process to feel a little more natural and organic.

If you have been working on these areas of your life for a while, you may also find this New Moon a powerful portal of healing and transcendence for you.

As New Moons are a time of calling things in, we can use this energy to journal, meditate, and dive deeper into our inherited blocks and baggage, allowing us to become aware of their presence in our lives.

Sometimes just becoming aware of these things can be a gentle opener to healing. It’s unlikely we will have all the answers, but through just becoming aware, we can already start to make healing changes.

As always, there is a Virgo New Moon Ritual for you to follow along to help facilitate and guide you through this process.

Overall, the Virgo New Moon sends mixed waves of energy that may trigger old wounds, but also inspire us to try new things. It seems like these two manifestations are at opposite ends of the spectrum, which is also why this New Moon energy may feel up and down.

We may feel we are on a see-saw or swinging from side to side. Emotionally we may feel scattered or even overwhelmed.

But remember the grounding force of Virgo energy that holds this New Moon. Virgo is the sign of the virgin, which in this context, is not about sexual experience but rather, wholeness and completion.

It represents knowing that we are always whole. We are the entire Universe manifesting in a human shell. We are complete and we need nothing outside of ourselves in order to tune in and connect with this powerful reservoir of Source energy that lives within.

Virgo energy teaches us that we are Source, we are the Universe, we are One with all of it, and when we can recognize that, we can tune in and connect with the power that comes along with it.

We can find our personal power and know that no storm is ever too wild for us to move through.

So, sink your feet into the Earth. Allow yourself to feel connected to the Source energy within and all around you. Allow this connection to trigger your innate power. Know you are whole.

And then from this place, ride the waves of the Virgo New Moon. Use them to bring fresh energy into your life, but to also break any generational cycles that no longer need to be active in your life.

It’s a big undertaking, but this New Moon energy will be your guide, allowing you to take either a baby step or a giant leap. Neither effort will be wasted. Any effort will be celebrated by the people that have come before you and the people that will continue after you leave this earthly world.


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