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UFO Disclosure Is Coming To The Forefront Of Human Consciousness

UFO disclosure is hitting the mainstream media these days, and many wonder about the different directions this still-unfolding story could potentially take.

The governmental leaders and mainstream media may create another fear-based narrative by twisting the truth and utilizing this subject to their advantage.

UFOs have always been around, but never before has there been more activity than now. That is because the peoples of Earth had never been abused to such extremes as in this present moment.

It is imperative to understand who these beings are who are navigating the mysterious aircrafts.

We have lived in supreme arrogance, thinking we're the only populated planet of the universe for a very long time because those who rule over Earth decided that they would be more powerful if they kept us in darkness.

The genuine disclosure of Extraterrestrial life would have inevitably lead to the revelation of the true origins of the human race. If you intend to control someone, you must create a version of truth that forms a new reality acceptable to the logical mind and triggers the emotional body. In this version of truth, you distort and completely withhold crucial information. This establishes a limited reality with restricted powers.

ETs exist in their worlds just as we do in our world, but they are higher evolved and tremendously more advanced than we are. Do not fear them. No matter which narrative the mainstream media and our governments try to instill, they are peaceful beings. Their civilizations are based on love, compassion, empathy, integrity, wisdom, and spirituality. They do not oppress, attack, or threaten any other race.

However, other races of ETs are neither benevolent nor neutral, but this species is already on this planet, and they have been here throughout our known history. They arrived thousands of years ago to take ownership over Earth and enslave the human race. They are negative beings devoid of compassion or love who do not worship God. These beings do not honor Earth, and they do not honor life.

The malevolent ET race on this planet is the reason why the benevolent ETs are recently flying over Earth in vast numbers. They have occupied our skies for many years and are increasing in numbers on a daily basis. They are here to help elevate the human consciousness. They can make their ships be seen or invisible at their will...

The human race is going through an unprecedented shift in frequency, and they are here to assist in the transition during global ascension. Spiritual evolution is taking place that is leading to the liberation of the human race. This is a process unlike any other event in the history of our universe.

It is imperative to understand that our otherworldly visitors are our brothers and sisters from the stars, our family of light. Family always shows up when you need them the most. I cannot emphasize enough that these are very loving and peaceful beings of highly spiritually advanced nations.

There are often groups of different beings working together to help humanity, such as The Galactic Federation. The Galactic Federation is a group of advanced spiritual beings watching over the evolution in consciousness and ascension of Gaia and Her sentient life. Although there are numerous different races, there are five main groups of high beings here now assisting planet Terra and humanity at this time. They represent other Galaxies, other densities as well as other aspects of time.

The Galactic Federation is primarily comprised of these five Star Nations: Pleiadians Andromedans Sirians Arcturians Lyrans

These are highly evolved spiritual beings from other worlds who operate and work together as the family of light. All of these groups have deep connections with planet Earth, and this is why they heard the call and decided to step forward to watch over the evolution of Earth and Her peoples.

Are there still people in this world who cling to the limited belief that humans are the only ones around? There are about a hundred times a hundred billion stars out there. Think again.

There are dozens of reports about UFO activities above nuclear facilities since 1945 that state that these unidentified flying objects have neutralized and manipulated the operations of nuclear missiles.

In December 2009, a pyramid-shaped UFO was spotted by several witnesses above the Kremlin in Moscow in the very early morning hours. The exact same UFO was seen in December 2018 in Washington DC above the Pentagon for hours in the early morning. Four different people recorded the phenomena from four different angles. How can huge unidentifiable pyramid-shaped objects hover above the most secure political and military establishments for hours with zero military interference and media coverage?

In 1952 an entire air force was sent out to combat the UFOs that had appeared over Washington DC. Over 14 days, the air force was played by those UFOs who were maneuvering above, beneath, and around the air force planes. Not a single plane was attacked or destroyed by the UFOs. After 14 days, the air force was called back, and never again was an attempt made to fight any UFO.

They have technology that makes us look like toddlers. Most importantly, they are peaceful beings. They are not here to harm anyone and laugh at our attempts to harm them and see it as an invitation for a bit of non-violent amusement in the skies. Why would they monitor our nuclear facilities and neutralize missiles of death and destruction if they weren't peaceful beings who watch over the evolution of humankind? They are protecting us from destroying ourselves or being destroyed by our governments.

The Galactic Federation is here. Why did they uncloak their ship over the Kremlin and Pentagon without any further action? It was a warning to the cabal leaders on this planet. "We are here. We can uncloak our ships and make our presence visible at any moment we choose to do this. Do not cross the line. We will protect humanity."

It is 2021, The Galactic Federation is trending on Twitter and is going mainstream. We have yet to find out how those who own the media will twist this breaking news to instill fear in the population to further fulfill another devious plan.

Meanwhile, The Galactic Federation has a message for humanity: "You can call upon us by utilizing your power of intent and free will whenever you need us. We are here with you. We love you. We are your family of light."

You didn't think the world would go on like this forever, did you? A new earth is emerging. Welcome to the Age of Light.

Aurora Ray Ambassador of The Galactic Federation


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