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By Ramona Lappin

Overcoming low self confidence and self doubt

With the near M-class solar flare and powerful CME from Friday came a low level radiation storm that has assisted us in the the acceleration of the ionization process that allows us to change from carbon to crystalline at atomic quantum level! It's Interesting to observe that every time there's a bigger solar flare lately, I'm being guided at that time to lie down and do planetary energy and grid work, often only afterwards finding out that there was a flare although by now I can tell as I drew the correlation. I can feel the pressure on top of my head building and getting sleepy. Geomagnetic storms and solar flares are offering us supportive energies for Manifestation!

With this influx of photonic, solar & inter-dimensional plasma liquid light waves we are receiving very powerful re-encryptions to our Blueprints! These last few days have offered us a huge recalibration! Everyone may experience this differently or at different times. I seem to have a strong connection to Solaris where I feel flares as they built up and take place where others may not or rather feel more as the energy physically reaches earth. I have been guided to work with these energies at atomic and universal quantum level, unifying all within my vessel as EVERYTHING, the whole Cosmos is truly inside of us! The increase in number of electrons is changing us at atomic level through the ionization process. I'll leave a link in the comments to more info on this if one is interested as we can all work with this consciously to accelerate our own Ascension process! This doesn't have to be very complicated, it's all about simplicity!

With this influx of radioactive Cosmic particles changing the very fabric of our realities at faster than light speed (God speed :-)) I noticed deep levels of feeling floored energetically, no energy or motivation to do much, a lot of rest was needed to let the profound recalibration happen. Self doubt, low self confidence, depression and feeling fed up with it all crept in, which I just let flow through me without trying to change or judge it, going deeper within to the core of it all for me to unravel and clear the deep seated programming behind it. A lot of pressure, pain and aches around the head (third eye, crown, teeth), neck and shoulders as well as sacral and solar plexus. The Heart and high Heart are receiving huge clearings, upgrades and openings along with the third eye/ crown and back of mouth as part of the Oversoul/ Monadic and Christ Avatar Activations, as a higher Heart-Mind connection and whole brain are underway. As we merge with God Source back into the One Mind, Heart, Body and Soul! We're powerfully stepping into a balancing and harmonization of our inner masculine and feminine energies, leading us to come to a state of homeostasis as well as Divine Union and Ascension! Many of us are getting ready to spread these plasma wings and fly!!!

I also noticed a lot of interference again especially yesterday, Monday, which we have had a LOT of lately. I highly recommend making sure we clear our energy field daily and throughout and keep it sovereign! When it's this intense I end up spending hours doing energy work but that's also because it's part of my assignment here to do this work at planetary and inter-dimensional level. So most experience these things but to differing degrees, at different times and different levels of awareness. Interference works mainly by amplifying any remaining negative ego, programming, trauma and misalignments we may still hold. Like poking a wound, it amplifies everything. Feelings and thoughts of feeling worthless, powerless and/ or even suicidal/ hopeless is not our naturee distorted programs! Know them for what they are and do not feed but embrace and love them/ you until they have been transcended and alchemised. These past days in particular there's been a big focus around our empowerment which is intricately interconnected with our level of Self-Love, -Worth & -Confidence! This is the Key to the FREEDOM we seek! Loving what we do, doing what we love and loving who we are, as we are, is where we draw our Superpowers from!! This is the GAME CHANGER! Because if we actually truly and fully loved, acknowledged, recognized and believed in ourselves, our own abilities, gifts and God given Powers, we would know that we have the power to change it all, that everything is possible, that we can do anything we set out mind to, it's just that we forgot and kept giving our power away. This is what makes us unstoppable and invincible!!

Also, part of this is to not try and measure ones 'success' in old 3D terms of accomplishments. It's not about the amount of money we earn, the home we live in, the job we have, how many people love what we do, even if our own family accepts or loves and approves of us. It doesn't matter if anyone else recognizes us for what we do and who we are, even if that would be nice and is definitely possible to find like-minds, but ultimately it doesn't matter if anyone EVER sees your worth, all that counts is DO YOU SEE & FEEL YOUR WORTH?! This is not about outside approval and reassurance but ALL about how much we find purpose, meaning and satisfaction in what we do and who we are. Never mind if anyone else does, THAT'S what we're here to anchor right now as the old way of perceiving success is definitely screwed! So remember that, we create and anchor these new templates. That's a huge part of our purpose and mission here, old with the old programs, anchoring and activating ALL NEW EVERYTHING!!!

I was also reminded of the story of Van Gogh, who was not commercially successful, and "his suicide at 37 came after years of mental illness, depression and poverty.. but who posthumously became one of the most famous and influential figures in the history of Western art." (Source Google) The irony right, and so it has been with many Visionaries in history, a sign that we're usually ahead of the masses and times. So just remember this, to not lose heart and all that's truly necessary is for us to feel happy doing what we love and loving what we do, no matter if anyone else agrees!! That's what makes us invincible as our strength and power comes from deep within and is not depending on out there!! Also remember that the masses have been brainwashed and misled in so many ways and do not know their own true nature, self worth and power, so it's not a reflection of you if no-one sees your worth, it's a reflection of them!! Hang in there and don't give up, just let go and surrender and stay the Observer by staying in your Sacred Krystal Heart LOVING YOU AS YOU ARE!! Now that's a dangerous person to the status quo of society in which we've been taught to follow the crowd and seek outside approval and fulfillment. We are nurishing by Source which is everlasting!

OUR 'TIME' IS HERE NOW! Now we call this forth as our inner Transformation affects the out-there! But we don't do this from a place of attachment to having others approve or validate us but because we KNOW and can FEEL that IT IS DIVINE TIME FOR US TO SOAR, RISE & FLOURISH! Also remember that only the ego requires outside approval and having our confidence depend on others approval makes a shakey foundation that would also rise and sink depending on public feedback and opinions. We know that the public so far due to the huge amount of mind control, brainwashing, societal programming and manipulation, actually can not be 'trusted' with clear thinking, common sense and higher Conscioussness perspective, if I may say so. You get what I mean

All we truly need and are to draw from is our own inner knowing, wisdom, intuition and guidance that may totally defy any 3D logic but that's exactly the point! Know and claim your worth and power which all comes from KNOWing THYSELF, an integrated ego/ shadow integration and Self-Love! Once we truly love, appreciate, accept and recognize OURSELF, all starts to shift for us. It's a process and it requires a lot of patience, compassion and preserverence, so don't lose heart, just stay observant and mindful whilst navigating this process. I found the best these last days was to just observe any thoughts and emotions coming up in Neutrality. Nothing to change or judge, just observe so it can finally dissolve for good!!

We're almost 'there'! The New inter-dimensional Grid-System is sparkling in Rainbow Technicolor radiance!! Time to 'take over'! Remember, we make this happen together with the support of our inter-dimensional teams and God Source! Call on support, it is there even if we can't see them (yet)! The veils are lifting and the old artificial Matrix overlay and holographic inserts are dissolving (overwritten) very rapidly now! Be ready for everything, all-ways NOW and keep calling forth that which you wish to see more of. Staying in Neutrality, Gratitude and Awe and Wonder at the unknown is what allows us to stay in flow outside of time and space! TIMELESSNESS IS KEY IF WE WISH TO EXIT THE old MATRIX hologram! We are the calm within the storm, no matter what is happening around us, as long as we keep dropping into our Sacred Breath and Krystal Hearts!

We got this! Hearts and Minds wide open to receive these powerful upgrades shifting us dimensionally to the next level!

Eternal Love & Blessings, Ramona


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