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March First Wavers Report: Preparing for First Contact

Archeia Aurora

By Archeia Aurora

5D First Wavers March Report: Preparing for First Contact

Welcome to the energies of March! Wow… the first two months of the year brought us some of the most accelerated ascension energy we have felt in awhile. We experienced the Aquarian Stargate opening on January 20th, as Pluto and the Sun made their entrance together. Since then, we have had all planets in direct motion and it feels like there has been non stop energy incoming since then. In February, we had Mercury, Venus + Mars move through Aquarius as well, along with intense rounds of Solar Flares, including 3 X Class Solar Flares within 36 hours.

Midway through the month, we moved through the Pisces Stargate opening, and a rush of pure Source energy entered the planet. The effects of this were felt as deep cellular releases within the body, heart expansion, and also many physical symptoms as we adjusted to this pulse. The Full Moon in Virgo on 2/24 gave us a deep cleansing of all remaining victim/savior complexes within our psyche that were keeping us stuck, sick and disempowered.

Now we enter the energies of March, which will be the final month we experience all planet in direct motion before retrograde season begins in April. April is a choice point month for Humanity, specifically the 3rd and 4th wavers who are preparing to begin their Awakening Journey. This month, we are in our final moments of preparation as the First Wavers so that we can both stabilize and guide the energies that will be hitting us in April, including the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries. First Wavers will be receiving new mission assignments come April, so March is a training month for us !

The first week of March we have fairly quiet cosmic energies, as we enjoy this momentary “pause” and are really focused on the integration of these new energies and of more aspects of our Higher Self. The 3/3 Portal will unlock the codes for co-creation, collaboration, and the spirit of unity. The 3 is a dynamic number that is all about creativity, change, trial and error, and working with others. Many are beginning to find their soul families and soul fractals to begin working with. We may also be called to begin experimenting with new skills and moving outside our comfort zones. The 3 loves to learn by simply diving in and not worrying about whether or not we are going to “fail” or do something perfectly.

On March 9th, Mercury will enter Aries and suddenly we will be ready to take ACTION and I feel the cosmos are blessing us with true courage and fearlessness to not only stand in our authentic truth, to speak truth boldly, but also to start making the moves we have been hesitant to make. Everything is divinely timed right now and it’s important to follow the stirrings of your soul. Each of us have a unique pace, as this Ascension is a marathon and not a race. Sometimes we must pass the baton to another while we rest, breathe and replenish ourselves. Other times, it will be our job to grab the baton and go for it, as the ascension adrenaline hits us and we are inspired to take on the next leg.

The following day on March 10th, we will have a New Moon @ 20 Degrees Pisces. The New Moon energies are typically soft and quiet, and we have a moment to gain clarity and to set intentions for our next cycle. However, this New Moon is transcendental and I feel we will be having a collective spiritual experience that is beyond our comprehension. This New Moon will occur in Gene Key 22 which carries us from Suffering to Grace. This Gene Key carries the codes of the Cosmic Mother and her ability to cleanse us of karmic residuals. This Gene Key also unlocks the 7 Seals of Consciousness, which represent the Soul’s Journey back to Source. I believe we are under Divine Intervention during this Month, as Prime Source Creator is giving us the catalysts to begin our transition to New Earth.

The following week, we will enter the Spring Equinox as the Sun opens up the Aries Stargate. The Aries Stargate is delivering us the Divine Warrior Codes and this will bring in in the “144,000 armies” which appear to be galactic armies that represent all galactic races on earth. This includes races such as the Orions, Andromedans, Arcturians, Syrians and Lyrians etc. The Pleiadians are stabalizing the entrance of these armies by holding the constant frequency of love, peace and compassion they are surrounding the planet with. These armies are coming to protect and serve Prime Source Creator, Mother Earth and Humanity during the transition to New Earth, as the collective consciousness will be in a very vulnerable state. Our prayers to Source for assistance, protection and support have been answered.

Finally, on March 25th, we will begin Eclipse Season with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra @ 5 Degrees. Since the entrance of the South Node into Libra last July, we have collectively been called to begin purging some of the karmic baggage of Libra. Sometimes being “nice” does not serve the greater good, and putting others above ourselves brings self destruction. We had to re-learn the balance between Self and others, and to also stop giving our power away to others’ opinions and judgments. This brings us to the fascinating energy of this Eclipse, which will be occurring in Gene Key 18, which carries the shadow of Judgement and Siddhi of Perfection. We must release our need to attach to judgements of good, bad, right, wrong, etc. In order to embrace true perfection, we must follow our discernment but not allow our own limited judgements to control the way in which we see and embrace the world. Instead, we are called to lead by example, and to boldly call out what does not meet the standard of perfection we seek to bring into the world.

This month is so exciting for so many reasons! I know many of the First Wavers are exhausted and have been ready to throw in the towel. Please honor yourselves and know when you must take a break, replenish yourself, and love yourself. There are moments for us to cry, release, scream, and rest. There are also times for us to remember how powerful we truly are, and to stand tall in the face of fear by embodying love. We are all in this together, and this month it will be important for us all to come together in true unity, to support one another, cheer each other on, and HOLD THE LINE. We are all warriors, and we will be much needed in the coming months for the unfoldment of the Divine Plan.


This month the Galactics have stated that our March Etheric Surgery Seminar is going to be a Retreat! They have acknowledged how intense the energies have been that we are all processing, transforming, and moving through. We have all done amazing work in clearing, purging, and healing over the last year. This month, the Galactics, Divine Mother, and the Angel Teams will be hosting the Etheric Surgery Retreat for all participants. This is somewhat of an “Etheric Spa” week !

The Etheric Surgeries will be following the same protocols as usually, as the etheric and energy bodies are detoxed from any lower implants, density, or inorganic material, as well as repairs made to the etheric body from any damage. Each day of the Surgery will also focus on one of the 7 chakras, and will undergo rejuvenation treatments. As this Etheric Surgery will coincide with the opening of the 7 Seals, each day will also correspond to each Seal as we are ready for the full opening of our Chakra System + the release of the seals to activate full consciousness. We will also be covering self-love practices and self-care practices throughout these 7 days, with daily updates on the rejuvenation of our Chakra System. For those guided to join, please RSVP below. I will send out more in-depth updates on this Retreat next week.


As we anticipate the opening of the Aries Stargate on March 19th, the Divine Warrior codes will be released! Many of the Divine Armies of Creation are entering the realm to assist with this planetary operation. These Armies are alongside the Dragons for protection of Humanity as well as Mother Earth during this transition, and also to insure there is minimal Dark interference with the next part of the Divine Plan.

This month’s Angel Chip Activation will carry the normal protocols which are the activation of each participant’s God DNA and all Angel Chip Codes each of us carry. We will also be activating our Higher Self Blueprint which has not been able to be activated thus far in the Ascension process. We have come a long way with our inner work, healing, transforming, releasing, cleansing etc., which was a vital part of the activation process. We have been bringing the dormant God DNA online and now we are ready to activate our Higher Self Blueprints! This is essentially our Higher Self DNA which overrides the EGO programming, and allows us to step into our true divine Selves.

Many of you may resonate with the Galactic Races that are now coming in to assist, and these activations will be part of your Higher Self Blueprint in which you carry cosmic lineages from these races. We are officially ready to once again become a Galactic Society and to re-join our Cosmic Families as one! I am personally so excited for this activation, as it feels like we are finally ready to “decloak” our true selves. We are now preparing for First Contact!

For those who are guided to join this Angel Chip Activation, please RSVP Below. I will also be sending out more information on this activation later this month.


The Galactics are guiding the hosting of a Planetary Ascension Conference to be held on the Spring Equinox, March 21st, 2024. We will be giving updates on the current Ascension Events, Milestone Dates (there are never specific dates but time periods), as well as sharing trainings and calls to action for the Ground Crews! Each of us holds a unique role in this Ascension Process and we must honor them. We will be covering all of the current Ground Crew Roles that many of you may be called to fill come April when we receive our new mission assignments.

This Conference will be free and open to all to join, and the recording will also be available for those that cannot attend live. I will be sending out more information on this Conference later in the month, as well as the sign up link for joining.


We will be hosting a few unity consciousness radio parties this month on our 5D Radio!

3/3 Portal (Sunday, March 3rd)

3/10 New Moon (Sunday March 10th)

3/25 Full Moon (Monday March 25th)

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