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7:7:7 Gates of Spiritual Illumination

By: Lauren Gorgo


We just moved thru a pivotal (Gemini) new moon which opened the solstice gateway that is ushering the planet into a whole new realm of consciousness. All the cosmic-stellar-lunar portals & gateways this year are supercharged and this solstice will be no exception as we continue to navigate the powerful cosmic currents of cleansing & rebirth.

Over the past three months, we have been mired in the energies of deep purification and integration, guided by the equinox & eclipses that have been preparing us to cross over into unity. Since then, we’ve been dying to so much…surrendering the old/lower/limited self, bringing closure to the past…and adjusting to the expansion of the Divine State (of pure presence) while suspended between worlds for weeks on end. But now, as the solstice approaches this Wednesday (6/21) and we move into Cancer Season, a significant shift awaits those at the forefront of this spiritual odyssey.

"Emperors & Empresses of the Rainbow Realm, it is time to oversee the Land of the Living, to rule in the governorship of New Earth."

Gem·in·i Season has been painstakingly preparing us for this shift by zeroing out the inception point of where our soul split off (in this life) to create the “great divide” within while awakening to new (diamond-rainbow) light levels that are activating the central intelligence of our multidimensional Diamond-core processor.

Thru this process, we have been cracking the code of the lower mind by witnessing (and finally identifying) the core limiting thoughts that keep us tethered to duality…i.e. the self-destructive, self-sabotaging mindsets that are so weighty that they keep us bound to the gravity of the lower world. These thought forms (mind control programs) completely distort our perception of self thereby eliciting a mental war between our Higher/Spiritual/Diamond view of self and the lower human (tainted/thwarted) view of self which made this last Gemini jaunt thru separation a successful one.

Once we are complete with neutralizing these inner polarities (aka the twins) we are able to enter the ONEness frequency as LOVE, where the multidimensional perspective of our Diamond Mind becomes the dominant one. This activation of the Higher Mind processor enables us to see life thru our true lens of Universal LOVE which is exactly what we need, and now require, to complete the healing that this damaging division has caused in our bodies, our lives, and on the Earth.

Universal LOVE at the higher levels translates as the unconditional LOVE (of the Mother) that Love·workers have been anchoring at the lower levels for years, bringing more & more of that Divine Feminine energy in from the Cosmic Mother while holding space for it to manifest on Earth.

This is the (Andromedan) frequency we’ve been missing thru the Piscean Age that will now permit us to move forward into the Golden Age, morphing into the superhumans we need to be for the New Earth experience. We are all embodying this Divine Feminine frequency as part of our wayshowership so that we can Lead as LOVE from this very template that this birthing thru us now.

For those feeling stuck in mid-labor, the solstice will be a big push ahead as we prepare for the 777 Stargates of July where we can harness the feminine frequencies of Cancer to collectively deliver the unified state to the physical world. As we do, we will glimpse the profound changes & sacred opportunities of cosmic union as we migrate to the New Earth realms and unlock the secrets of our multidimensional being.

It’s high time for our new/true adventure…time to step into this new level of consciousness and radiate our Diamond Light into the world.


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