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Archeia Aurora

By: Archeia Aurora

This message has been on my heart the last few weeks and is coming through clearly from the Divine Mother, Divine Father, and the Galactics. Their message is this: “ready or not, here we come!” This post is likely to trigger most of you but for my own integrity I must share it. Our mission here is FULL DISCLOSURE and if you are not ready for full disclosure, that is on you.

This Planet has been ensured in an enslavement system for 27,000 years. There is no need to go over the past events, as we already know what has occurred. The abuse, enslavement and manipulation of Humanity and their consciousness is the biggest atrocity that has been committed against Creation. Mother, Father, the 144,000 and the entire cosmos has been here, assisting both on the ground and in the skies for thousands of years. We have now arrived at the precipice of the prophesied time period where the timeline would begin to split on Earth. This was detailed in the Hopi Prophecy, as they brilliantly showed us, through depiction that splitting of these timelines. Those that were evolving and those that were de-evolving.

The truth is that 99% of Humanity is de-evolving, as they stink deeper and deeper into illusions, belief systems, and the EGO programmed mind that they either cannot, or refuse, to break out of. I have witnessed for the past 10 years massive amounts of disclosure and truth be revealed to Humanity, only for the majority to still deny and refuse to accept. The Galactics did not realize how deep this programming would go, and they have done absolutely everything they can to assist us.

What is absolutely astounding to me, is to watch the “disclosure” collective be open to the truth regarding everything from the Cabal, mind control, propaganda, trafficking, poisoning of our air/food/water, and continued enslavement of our collective through the money matrix. YET, these supposed “awakened” people absolutely refuse to see how the main belief system manipulating their consciousness is that of religion. It is an insane notion to believe that everything we have EVER been told was a lie, but somehow religion is the full whole truth? IT IS INSANITY.

Most of the “religious” folks hide their deep and visceral hatred of the feminine energy behind their scriptures and love for “Jesus.” They are so attached to Trump, Q, White Hats, etc., they refuse to acknowledge the spiritual component of this Ascension process. Disclosure is not what they think it is. They believe the entire goal is to disclose the truth of the Elite’s and that is it. They are missing the fucking point. Full Disclosure means exactly that-FULL DISCLOSURE. Not half disclosure, not part disclosure, FULL disclosure.

The Mother/Father Godhead as well as the Galactics and overseeing star races have now declared that Humanity is not ready for full disclosure, they do not want the full whole truth. They continue to want lies and illusion. Mother Earth has been the most patient, loving, and kind Host that she could ever be. Humanity has become a parasitic species living upon her body. We have raped, ravaged, stolen and abused this Planet. Many think because they recycle they are “good citizens”, and it’s the elites that have taken all the resources. Humanity has become such parasites they don’t even realize how they have energetically been taking from their own Host with absolutely no regard for nature, animals, other human beings, sentient life, etc.

The real truth is that they HATE their Mother, and they hate the feminine energy. They are so disconnected from their hearts, from the connection to Source, to Mother Earth, that they actively are seeking to create another control system that thrives off of the abuse and disrespect of the feminine energy. They are no better than the Cabal. They scream about freedom and sovereignty, yet they know nothing of what this means. Their understanding of energy, love, and Creation is abysmal.

Mother Earth is no longer waiting for Humanity to acknowledge her, to care for her or honor her. She is has decided to begin her ascent as of June 29th, 2023. The Divine Mother + Father, and the Galactic Federation of Light is in full support of Gaia’s decision and they are instituting protocols to accelerate this over the next 6 months. Mother Earth will be activating her Crystalline Grid, and only those who are embodying the Crystalline Template will be able to sustain.

The Crystalline Template is based on love, consciousness, purity of thought, and the dissolvement of all belief systems. The Goddess energy is returning to the Planet, as Gaia has been without the Goddess energy for thousands of years. The Goddess energy is the divine feminine energy that all of Humanity embodies within. It is the energy of care, compassion, love, kindness, synergy, harmony, abundance and healing.

Most believe Darwin’s theory of evolution is still at play-survival of the fittest. The notion that only the strongest would survive within our species is an outdated and illusionary theory based on the fight or flight mechanism. The current evolutionary process that is going on is consciousness. Only the conscious shall remain.

As Cobra shared in his most recent interview, the Galactics and Ground Crew have made huge headway in clearing the negative implants/chips that have been effecting Humanity's Consciousness. From my personal experience, in our monthly Etheric Surgery Seminar's we have been seeing amazing results and breakthroughs with these dissvolvements as well. Unfortunately, as Cobra stated, Humanity is refusing to let go of their belief systems which is re-creating the chips. The Galactics are disappointed with the "lightworker" community as well, as they are not carrying as much light as they believe they are, due to belief systems. Most are failing to truly do the inner work.

Read Cobra's Full Interview Here:

Humanity is not ready for full disclosure, but we are no longer waiting on them. The Galactics and Source have given the green light: ready or not, here we come ! We are taking our planet back, whether the EGO’s like it or not. For all those still clinging desperately to their belief systems-God Speed. For those who are in it to win it with us, let's go home into the light.



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