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Intuitive Astrology Forecast November 2021


By: Tanaaz

November brings the start of Eclipse Season, which means it’s very likely to be a turning point month for many of us.

Eclipses represent quantum leaps into higher states of consciousness. They tend to bring fated events that are geared to speed up our spiritual evolution. They are like an entry point into a new world or a new state of being.

This month, we have a Partial Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Taurus. This is then followed by a Total Solar Eclipse, which won’t occur until early December.

Lunar Eclipses typically bring about endings and are considered points of closure, whereas Solar Eclipses typically bring new beginnings and are considered points of new opportunity.

As we have the Lunar Eclipse in November, we may very well find ourselves wrapping up loose ends or releasing things from our lives that no longer serve us throughout the month. We may even find that this month brings an ending of some kind.

If there is a habit, relationship, or way of being that has been shaky or on unsteady ground for sometime, this Eclipse could be the trigger that helps you to release, let go of it, or transform it in some way.

Eclipses also tend to boost our intuitive abilities and increase our sensitivity to our emotions and the world around us. They thin the veil between dimensions, and allow us to connect with the subtle energies of the Earth.

What makes this Taurus Lunar Eclipse extra special is that it also represents the start of a new Eclipse cycle. Eclipses tend to come in pairs, falling in the same two opposite signs.

All through 2021, we have had Eclipses in the signs of Sagittarius and Gemini, but this November Eclipse is the exception.

This is the first Eclipse in Taurus we have had since 2014 and kickstarts a new Eclipse cycle between Taurus and Scorpio that we will see manifesting more strongly in the new year.

As this is a new Eclipse cycle, it is likely that whatever manifests will be part of a larger story that will unfold in the new year to come.

Along with Eclipses, November also unlocks some powerful numerology codes and sees the entrance of Venus into Capricorn.

Venus moving into Capricorn is significant as it will retrograde through this zodiac sign later in December and into the new year.

Whatever themes we may notice brewing around love, money, and matters of the heart in November are likely to be connected to this powerful Venus retrograde energy we are about to experience.

Let’s take a look at some of the key cosmic and astrological dates that November brings-

November 1- Numerology

November 1st unlocks the number code of 111. 111 is an angel number that represents divine protection and the start of a new chapter unfolding in our lives. When we see 111 regularly, it is often a sign that our angels and guides are looking out for us. It can also indicate that there is a new chapter on the horizon. Use today as a good reminder to connect with your angels, guides, and loved ones passed, and allow yourself to feel the Divine protection that surrounds you.

November 1/2- Venus Crosses the Galactic Center

The center of our galaxy is believed to sit at around 27 degrees of Sagittarius. On this day, Venus crosses this point in our celestial sky, activating its energy. As Venus crosses the Galactic Center, we may notice heart awakenings and a deeper connection to the love that we are. We may feel empowered by our relationships and a renewed sense of self-worth. This is a power time for self-love and activating our heart chakra.

November 2- Mercury Leaves Shadow Period

Mercury left its final retrograde of the year on October 18, but it is only now that it is back to its former strength and speed. Mercury is currently finishing up its journey in the sign of Libra, but will enter Scorpio in the coming days. Mercury is the planet of communication and now that it is moving at its usual speed and strength, we may feel mentally strong and find decisions easier to make. If there were miscommunications or disputes that you were dealing with at the end of September and into early October, you may find that they are eased as Mercury leaves its shadow phase.

November 4- Scorpio Super New Moon

The Scorpio New Moon brings some mixed energies and is likely to be a time of reflection and retreat. On a New Moon, the sky goes dark and the Moon disappears from our celestial sky. Just like the Moon, we too may find ourselves needing some alone time to sit with our deeper thoughts and feelings. We may find ourselves wanting to protect our energy and shut out the noise of the outside world. Taking that journey deep within ourselves is what is supported under this New Moon. How long can you just sit with yourself and your thoughts without feeling the need to do “busy work” or scroll through your phone? Switching off and dialing into yourself is a great way to work with this energy. If we take the journey within ourselves, we may notice new insights, receive messages from our higher self, and make new discoveries about our soul journey. Make it a point to give yourself some quiet, meditative, and contemplative time under the energies of this New Moon. Do your best to avoid getting sucked into the chaos of the outside world, even if just for a few moments.

November 5- Venus enters Capricorn

Venus enters Capricorn where it will remain for an unusually long period of time due to its upcoming retrograde on December 19th. Whenever a planet stays for an extended length of time in one particular sign, it is the Universe’s way of letting us know that this is important energy for us to work with on an individual and a collective level. As Venus makes its way through Capricorn over the coming months and into the new year, it will bring up issues relating to our relationships, finances, and matters of the heart. On a global level, this energy can stir issues around government, established systems, and female health. Whatever issues arise, whether globally or personally, are likely coming up to the surface so we can take responsibility for them, and find new ways of approaching them. Capricorn energy is all about taking responsibility for what we are creating. One of the focuses of Capricorn energy is to ensure that what we say we want and the actions we are taking are actually in alignment. Pay attention between now and December 19 as to what themes are coming up in these areas of your life, as it’s likely once Venus enters retrograde these will be the lessons you will be working with.

November 7- Juno crosses the Galactic Center

As Juno, the asteroid of Marriage and Soulmates crosses the Galactic Center, the Moon joins in too, adding to the energy! This sends beautiful cosmic vibrations through the sky which we can use to create healthier partnerships in our lives and connect with the power and wisdom of our hearts. Juno’s energy also helps us to recognize the importance of certain relationships and how we can build stronger bonds with those that we love.

November 11- 1111 Numerology + Jupiter Meets the Moon

The 11th day of the 11th month unlocks the numerology code and angel number of 1111. This is one of the most potent number codes in our Universe and indicates complete and full alignment. When we see 1111 regularly, it can be a sign that all is working as it should be and that we are in alignment with where we need to be. When we step into a place of alignment, we are also able to attract all that we need from a place of ease. When we are in a state of alignment, what we need is automatically also what we desire. To use this energy, bring your focus to your own feelings of alignment. What makes you feel most aligned? What actions can you take to bring your mind, body, and soul, into a state of Oneness? 1111 is also a number code indicating angelic support and divine guidance. Connect with your angels and ask them to guide you. Ask them to show you the next best steps to creating alignment and attracting what it is that you desire into your life.

To add to the magic of this day, the Moon and Jupiter will travel together in Aquarius for a few hours in our cosmic skies, bringing abundance and strengthening our intuition and creativity. It’s a magnetic combination that is perfect to use for any spiritual or ritual work.

November 12- Chariklo Re-enters Aquarius

Chariklo is the asteroid of Spirit Medicine and has been dancing across the bridge between Capricorn and Aquarius all through 2021. Now it is finally re-entering Aquarius where it will remain until 2028. Chariklo represents healing on the deepest level of our soul. As it enters Aquarius, we may notice increased spiritual awakenings, a deeper understanding of Oneness, and a shift in understanding that healing is a group effort, not always an individual one. As Chariklo journeys through Aquarius over the next few years, we may start to grow in awareness as a society that we are not truly healed until all of us are healed.

November 19- Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse Taurus

The big event for the month is here! Partial Lunar Eclipses are not as potent as a Total Lunar Eclipse, but you can think of it as a supercharged Full Moon! Eclipses represent a transformation or turning point. They can bring fated events that help push us into the next chapter of our evolution. Under this Taurus Eclipse, we may find ourselves bringing closure to things in our lives that no longer serve us. Taurus is the sign associated with the Earth, the environment, and how we are using Earth’s resources, so this may be something in the spotlight at this time. Taurus energy is also connected to our finances and feelings of self-worth, which also may be themes we notice. You may also wish to look back to themes that were active in your life the last time we were working with a Taurus Eclipse cycle which was from 2013 to 2014. Remember, it’s not that these themes will necessarily repeat themselves, it is more that we are building on whatever lessons and growth we experienced during this time period. Trust whatever comes up, and know that it will eventually be a pathway to higher states of consciousness.

November 21/22- Sagittarius Season Begins

The Sun makes its way into the fire sign of Sagittarius. As we shift from the watery depths of Scorpio Season into the fiery Sagittarius energies, we may feel a sense of renewal and ambition as we get to work on wrapping up any projects or goals we may have had for the year. Scorpio energy is very reflective and deep, but now we can take whatever we have found at the depths of our soul and share it with the world. We may feel like putting ourselves out there more, seeking adventure, and researching and sharing our ideas and thoughts with others.

November 29/30- Vesta Conjunct the Sun

The Goddess Asteroid, Vesta aligns with the Sun activating its energy. Vesta is the Goddess of Hearth and Fire. Her astrological symbol is that of a flame, representing our own inner flame of independence. She also represents sexual liberation and ignites our freedom to express our sexuality. Vesta’s energy is very connected to both Virgo and Scorpio. As her energy is strong at this time, we can use it to embrace our own sexuality, find our independence, and connect to our own sense of personal knowing. Let your inner flame shine bright!



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